Hubby and I assisted the kids to do their homework. I was surprised that they were given a small letter 'a' as a start...which I think is very advanced for a KG1 kid..*my opinion only*. The colouring part is not a major problem but to get them write the letters seem to be a problem. I thought they would be given some round/zig-zag/loop/curvy dotted lines before proceeding to this small letters writing. Oh! Anyway...stop complaining...just trust to the respective school as the teachers know what are the best for the kindy kiddies...*_*

Habibati was so eager to colour an apple that she herself chose the red colour pencil for the apple.
Habibi showed his interest at the begining only but until now he is still easily distracted and less focused...mmm....something must be done about this one anyway @~@
Habibi's work....
Habibati's work....
...and now...Habibati didn't want to stop. So I gave her the Mickey and Minnie Colouring book...what a good girl!