After being examined by the doctor, Habibi was taken to the radiology to have his head x-rayed. While waiting for the x-ray film, we sat in the waiting area. Habibi just could not sit still but running here and there and climbing up and down the chairs. *giggles* boys will always be boys.....!
Oh ya..we met the popular and friendly Pelangi FM's deejay....DJ Zura. We took a picture together there! Then, came the doctor with the x-ray result *nervous* . We were/are thankful to Allah when everything was OK. There was no internal bleeding due to the impact of hitting the door on his forehead. But Habibi is referred to the OMF specialist and the appointment will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Again...hope everything will be ok..amin..
Habibi was very tired, he slept while waiting for the medicines at the pharmacy. He was prescribed with an anitbiotic suspension, an antiseptic cream and paracetamol liquid. Looking at him....I was triggered by this motherhood emotion....really a heartache....loving you baby!
Oh dear .... hit the door until bleeding like that??? Gosh .... must be really painful *heart pain*
But I am glad that there is no internal bleeding, etc .... really thankful. But I guess kids are always kid, and it's a phase of growing up and hope we mother will grow up together with them too, poor baby .... but I am sure he will be back to his active self very very soon, don't worry ya :)
MommyAngel ~ Thanks for the emotional support. I m hoping everything is going fine..will be bringing him to the specialist this afternoon..
dui ma.. sian jua... takut ku mliat luka nya ah.. baik jua nada pa2 d dlm... p aktif juamasih ah skit2nya ah ehhe
Ya ampunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! Thats a big cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kesian your boy...sure byk darah!!
sian....andangnya kanak2 suka main..sampai lupa bahaya..anyway it's a lesson learn for him..soon he will know what is good and bad for him.
ZW, Liz, CathJ ~ Thanks buddies....the cut is healing now. Hope Habibi will learn his lesson well...
Poor boy....
He did not do the dressing?
Hope that the wound will recover quickly.
i could exactly relate to u ummi..super traumatic seeing your child hurt. hope alls well with habibi. take care too.
Sarah's mommy and daddy ~ he is Ok by now..tnx
Ai ~ u r right...!
Luckily he did not do the stitches, or else it will cause severe pain.
Thank God that he is recovering now.
Hai UR, kasian jua Habibi atu... mungkin laju kali ya belari atu... baik jua nda kana jahit ah...
Anyway, baik tah nda bebakat tu....
Alamak so kesian.... Hope he's all better now.
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