Habibati and I are getting better now, alhamdullilah. But something else has come up to me....both my eyes were infected. I felt very uncomfortable as I could not stand the itchiness and the throbbing pain on both sides. Adding to that....I have to wear my spectacles for the whole few days from now (-_-). I hate wearing spectacles.....but if tak pakai kena raba-raba pulak! Actually my degrees for both eyes are up to 575 already! Yea...so high ya...
eh dia tidor..saya doakan dia sihat selalu
Salam to you, i am happy to know that you guys are getting better now but Habibi lips are red hot lah, may be should get him to drink more water and rest well ,,ya
take care now and you have a great week ahead ya
Salam.. Semoga Kak Ummi Rosma dan anak2 cepat sembuh.. Sabar ye kak, sakit tu penghapus dosa..
aduhhhh... musim lah sekarang ni yer.... be patient and wish you all will be recovering soon...
Take care my fren..
Oh yes that is most important weapon.. I think every home must have at least 1.. especially parents with small kids...
cian jua time cuti2 ani.. get well soon ummi...
Hello Rosma, regret read of yours and your boy's eyes having that problem. Hope it's better now.
I guess must be an allergy? Hope not sambal belachan, ha ha.
You take care. Have a pleasant week. Lee.
Aiyor, please rest well and best of health! Keep well ya!
I hope you all get well really soon! hugs!
Hope rosma n family cepat sembuh ...bawa berihat dan berdoa sentiasa utk kesembuhan...ubat jgn juga lupa yer
Get well soon Ummi and to the rest of the family. Take care ya.
P/S: My degree for both eyes are 600...hehe. Me too..I hate wearing specs.
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