Are you familiar with these fruits? They are locally grown here....actually there are two types of these fruits....yellow and green. The scientific name is Averrhoa belimbi linn but we often call these fruits 'belimbing buluh'.
My parents have these two kinds of these fruits. Both trees bears fruits continuously throughout the year. There are many health benefits of these fruits *ask Mr Goole to help find their benefits* ...(^-^)...
What I like to do to these fruits....I cooked them following my mom's style....

....pan-fry them with little maize oil, prawns, small chillies, garlics and shallots.....yummylicious!
we call this iba in our local language or kamias in our national language in Philippines. This brings back a lot of childhood memories..i used to eat this with salt and my mom also add this to some foods. but i am droolling on that food u have there. makes me want to try it.
all the best mommy rosma!
Same like Ai's comment.. I used to eat this with salt.. Oh by looking at the pic saja pun gigi i boleh ngilu hihihi....
We have that in the Philipphines and we use it as a souring agent in some filipino dish. I also love eating it with salt.
A new fruit for me...never know about this fruit before.
Ai, CathJ & Anney ~ yes....i eat these fruits with salts too. So sour....*drooling*...hehe
MeRy ~ these fruits are found in Malaysia too dear....maybe in the villages ya...have a try soon ok...
first time I saw this too ... but you are great cook as I can see the food is so nicely presented! Must taste great!
MommyAngel ~ hehe tnx...the great cook for the family only....hehehe
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