Our boy is diagnosed with 'speech delay' thus he is referred to the CDC. There, we had some interview sessions with the pediatrician regarding our boy's development. At first, he was suspected to be autistic as he still couldn't make up long sentences in his speeches as he is approaching 4 this coming 15th August. However, since his behaviours do not match with the symptoms of an autistic child....so after several observations, the doctor confirm with us that he is only having the speech delay. He will be seeing the speech therapist somewhere around next month.

Above ~ While waiting for the pediatrician's call, we let Habibi play with the educational toys there.Below ~ Habibi was being instructed by the pediatrician...and thank goodness...he did his job well. We were/are proud of him..
Firstly, the pediatrician instructed Habibi to follow her steps in making a 'bridge' (alphabet blocks) so that a 'train' (pencil) can pass through. She demonstrated the steps at first of course.
Then, it was Habibi's turn to build the 'bridge'....
Amazingly he could do it well...*clap clap clap*
Then he was asked to write numbers and shapes. The numbers he could write freely were only 1 and 0. But he managed to draw circles, squares and rectangles. The way he hold the pencil has now been improved.
Then he was instructed to show the recited numbers and colours. Again, he made us happy as he got all the numbers and colours correct.
Currently, Habibi can recite numbers from 1 - 10 but not in clear pronunciation yet. He could sing most of the children's song. He is now keen to do his homework on his own. He loves painting more than colouring with the pencil colours. I will post some of his paintings the soonest...
oh lambat bercakap..kena selalu ckp dengan dia la.my nuha plak terlebih cakap.br 2 tahun.gen me lebih dalam badan dia kot ..hehehe
wow... he very clever... he follow instruction well.. *clap..clap..clap*
I am not sure what will happen if my boy was given the same instruction.. *gasp*.. but so far I have been receiving a good comments from teachers now a day... before this... mak aiii.... ada2 je bad comment..
Can't wait to see his painting.. ^_^
Semoga Habibi bisa mendapatkan perkembangan yg lebih bagus ya setelah di terapi, semangat ya sayang...
Ellis ~ same with our daughter..non-stop talking...hehehe
CathJ ~ Your boy is getting better as he grows dear. Dont worry much..boys will be boys..*same experiences*
Bunda Nayla ~ terima kasih dear..semoga dipermudahkan oleh Allah..amin..
Some kids may encounter slowing phase in talking...
not to worry too much.
MeRy ~ Yes..thanks for your support..
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