Habibati has been whinning to have her ears pierced because she would love to wear earrings just like her Barbie doll. Hubby and I were dumbfounded. I told my mother about her wish and she said now it is the right time for her. Furthermore...she has been mentally and physically ready for it..so what the heck, right?
We went to the nearby private clinic. The doctor with the help of her nurse carried out the 'mission'. I was totally nervous but not our little darling!

I had to hold her tight *as recommended by the doctor*. The doctor and her nurse shot her all at once and Habibati didn't shed even a tear! What a brave little good girl!

Our little darling posed with her new pink stud earrings...
She showed them off to Ayah and we went to treat her at her favourite cake house.
She chose these chocolate balls.....I let her choose anything that she would love to eat *for being a good and brave girl*.

Loving every bite of it with love....
We went to the nearby private clinic. The doctor with the help of her nurse carried out the 'mission'. I was totally nervous but not our little darling!
amboi...amboi...amboi... anak manja ni dah bujang...nak pakai anting2 pulak... hehehehhe...
tapi very strong will lah... fu hooo relax je kena tembak telinga hehehhehe... ok buat kat klinik? I never know boleh buat kat klinik.. :)
congrats to Habibati...ada anting2 baru.. :)
CathJ ~ see...see...this a sign of growing up *still want her to be a baby to me* dah mula nak melawa *LOL*. Kat sini we paid $15 for the stud earrings and spirit.
Cantiknya....pinky girl...:)
I'm dumbfounded too..hehe. Oh my..wanna look like Barbie..cutenya. She is really brave. *clap clap* The pinky earrings suits her very much. :)
Gwen is not a fan of Barbie at all..haha. She is just so different from other girls.
Bunda Nayla ~ Tnx dear...she loves pink too just like her Ummi..
MummyGwen ~ Tnx...your princess loves Hello Kitty ya..
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