Monday, December 6, 2010

Shooting The Castle

The kids and Ayah invented a new shooting game using the disposed necktie boxes, rubber bands and the 'sort-of-Lego' blocks. They worked out things together and in the end they had real fun with their invention...
Habibati was trying her best to fix her own 'shooting weapon'.....
Habibi was targeting the castle and then.....shot!
What happen to Ayah?
Pengsan!! hahaha


CathJ said...

hahahhaha... apa jadi??? tak kan kena mata ayah?? hihihi

UmmiRosma said...

CathJ ~ tak kena...tapi Ayah dah "pengsan" setelah di'ragging' oleh our kids...hehehe...

anney said...

Very creative kids that they were able to make a toy.