....She Got Pinched By Me....
I was mad at Habibati just now when she trampled on the bread without feeling guilty at all! I was dumbfounded at first by her action and got angrier when she just laughed at me..(@.@)..I was totally out of my mind and pinched her arm at that instant. She cried and said sorry eventually...
Now I start to feel guilty for being such a crazy mommy! But in my heart...I keep on telling myself that I am trying to make her a proper girl and doing such thing like that is not appropriate.....
Sometimes it can happen when we are in angry mood...
For sure, habibati will learn something..
masyaAllah, baghu tau kisah si habibi...anyway, Alhamdulillah semuanya ok.....
~sedey je tgk muka habibati ni...tp tak pe kak, kkdg mmg kn bertindak mcm tu dalam mdidik dorang.... :)
I have to pinch my boy sometimes too if situation are too much or not controllable already...
Just to let to know that mummy sometimes can be hard.. so he know the limit.. :)..
ala comelll pula dia menangis....
cian tp au msti jua tu displin2.. :)
memang kadangkala terlepas jugak kita sebab emak ni kan.lepas tu pujuk lah dia elok2 :)
Don't feel guilty.Things like this happen. She learns her lesson now.
OMG.. hope habibati learns something...
LOL, I personally think it good to pinch rather then spanking! Anyway, it still hurt... I meant haunted by your guilt! Hope she has learnt her lesson, be good next time Habibati!
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