Habibati is 4....
We shared the happiness by celebrating her birthday at the school with her classmates and teachers. In the Masehi Calender, her birthday falls on every 31st March.
I made some birthday vanilla cupcakes decorated with edible images of her favourite cartoon characters. There were some cartoons for the boys too...such as Upin & Ipin, Ben 10, transformers, cars and power rangers. I was glad that they loved the cupcakes.
I made some cupcakes for the bring-home goodie packs and some oreo truffles. Hubby prepared some foodies for the in-class party too such as the grilled sausages, fried nuggets and french fries.

Attending to our kids...Habibi and Habibati....
Habibati's adorable girlfriends Khairina, Khatijah and Shasha. Everyone was presented with the birthday goggles...cute!
Habibati and her classmates...KG2A.
Back at home, Habibati was very happy to open her birthday presents. Ayah, who was super duper excited too (^^,) had helped her. Habibi did not join them as he was so tired and fell asleep.
Happy Birthday Darling Nur Humaira Habibati. We love you forever. Ummi & Ayah will continuously pray for your longevity, happiness & continuous health. Grow like a champion. May Allah bless you always....semoga menjadi anak pintar yang solehah...amin...amin...amin...Syukur Alhamdullilah.
Happy Birthday Habibati.. :) Moga membesar menjadi anak yg bijak & solehah...
Wishing Habibati a beautiful 4 years old Birthday!
Holy smoke!!! See how good you have baked for her, such variety of delicious goodies, lucky her and her classmates!
happy birthday to Habibati..
Happy bday to Habibati.... wow... sedap2 nya cup cakes....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HABIBATI!! A year older, more wiser, more prettier than ever, AMIN.. May Allah bless her :) I like the cuppies!! I know Habibati are so happy to have a mama like you!! and the chocoballs.. YUMMMSS!!
Amin Amin.. I love u too Nur Humaira Habibati hehehe....
p/s: Trufflenya masih ku tringat kelazatannya heheh
Dear Habibati, Uncle Eugene here wishing you a big big Birthday(two days late) i hope you don't mind, i am sure you shall grow up to be a fine young lady, a god fearing one, a compassionate one, a loving one, and loving your papa and mommy very much..
and may all your dreams come through
happy bestday habibati...my dearest...
semoga mnjadi anak solehah yg mgembirakan ayah dan ummi.....
happy birthday to your little girl :-D oh yey! seems like they are in the same age with my little girl too. Oh yummy cup cakes, do u konw i am craving for your cupcakes and wishing we just live nearby. But can u share to me ummi that recipe of oreo truffle since i'm an oreo addict. lol! please. if u can can u message me?tks! take care! glad to konw ur better now
happy belated birthday sweet habibati!.
wow,sedap2 kan kueh2....
Happy belated 4th bday! Those are yummy looking cupcakes! Very pretty too!
Hi, she's really cute. Its a bit late, but many happy returns to Habibati.
Love those cakes. And the pics are very nice.
Happy belated 4th birthday to Habibati!
Wow, lovely and pretty cupcakes!!
Mommy has put alot of effort in preparing the event. Well done!
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