Thursday, July 23, 2009

La Main A La Pate - Science Training

Voilà !
I'm having a very busy schedule couples of days till the end of month, undergoing the Science Training at Universiti Brunei Darussalam. The word "La Main A La Pate" is actually words in French which mean "learning Science through inquiry". The facilitator is Miss Estelle who is a lecturer from Niche University in France. New ideas about teaching Science using the inquiry approach are discussed and I am very lucky too to be chosen one of the "going-to-be trainers". Despite the hectic schedule, I think this is such a beneficial experience in deed. However, I miss my kids especially in the afternoons....
Random pictures of UBD and from where I was graduated with B Ed Primary Education (Mathematics and Science). I really miss the uni life...

Some experiments we carried out during the workshops.

The lecturer showed us how to observe the image of the sun during the solar eclipse on 22nd July at 8.45 a.m. till 10.45 a.m. using a box. She poked a small hole and the image of the eclipse can be seen inside.

Above ~ We observe our own shadows..and below is myself with Cg Zahidatul...

Smile!...while experimenting with the moon replica. I will post some pix about the science training again soon...


CathJ said...

Cantikkk nyerrrr Cikgu Rosma ni..... Ishhh ishhhh ishhh....

Best nyer jadi cikgu yer.... (Heheheheh... yg empunya badan je yg tahu kan... ^_^)

Zhoe Wynz said...

waaahhhh.. mcm siuk usulnya workshop aaa...
btw miss u d skulah eh .. slalu terUmmi2 d skulah hehehe

Rozella said...

It seems lke so much fun. I always like attending workshops and trainings.

MeRy said...

It sound fun attending the training.

MommyAngel said...

Very interesting!! It seems like you are going back to school again, hehehehe ..... must be feeling very fresh and excited to be able to participate ya :) You are very lucky to be choosen to attend :)

BTW, I have an award for you here