Our girl was feverish yesterday and at 3plus a.m. I was woken up by her. She slept uncomfortably due to her high body temperature which was 40.9 degrees. We gave her 5.5ml of pcm liquid and at around six her body temperature gradually subsided to 37.1 degrees *phew*. But I knew when the time was over, the temperature could possibly go up again...so I packed into a plastic container the syringe containing the medicine. The teacher at school would give her right on time.
And this morning too...my dearest hubby played a practical joke on me! While I was attending to the kids...he packed up my everyday-bring-to-school thingies into the paper bag. He did ask me what I would like to bring...but I simply said "anything you wish your darling wifey to have at school" hahaha
I laughed like crazy just now and I even shared this with my other friends....*LOL*
However....now my whole body is aching and my ears start to become blocked...as my body temperature is 38.9 degrees. I bet I am having that laryngitis too. I have gotta wait till hubby comes home for Habibati and I to see the doctor. Anyway...I just gulped 2 caplets of actifast. Hope this will work well with me....
See you all again...
black pepper dimasukkan sekali :)
semoga cepat sembuh yer Ummi & habibati :)
Tnx Ellis....
hehehe..yea...nak kenakan kita kita le tuuu....heheh
I hope by the i read this post, your girl should be feeling fine already
By the way, please tell your children that uncle Eugene says, Happy Holiday ,,, go and enjoy yaa,, go and pester mommy and papa to buy new toys ya,,,
hehehhehe... lain kali jgn cakap 'what ever' hihihihi... kan dapat serbuk lada hitam... hihihihi....
and hope you recover soon... and also your girl.. Oh being sick is not fun at all..
take care..
bawa berihat saja..esuk last day at school..cutilah berehat..semoga cepat sembuh
Hope both you and your girl will recover soon...
Have a good rest!!
Gosh... blame the bad weather, hope you guys get back to your usual self soon!
Eugene ~ hahaha..ok will let them know *alamak! terbang $$$*
Cathj ~ tnx dear, yea being sick limits everything...im having my sick leave for 3 days :)
Liz ~ tnx...but payah jua kan rehat dear...tpaksa jua buat anything yg ringan2...the kids lagi...aduiiii
MeRy ~ tnx sweetie..will try to squeeze time to rest..
Alice ~ tnx...yea the weathers are lately unstable...that could possibly the problem..
Get well soon to you and Habibati. Your husband is really funny..haha. ^_^
P/S: Actually my original hair is not straight..hehe. I did rebonding lah. :)
Mummy Gwen ~ tnx dear :)
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