While I was about to reach my pre-heated iron.....it had accidentally touched my right lower arm. So careless me! :(
The blister was not that big so I only applied some Drapolene cream...thinking that it wasn't severe. But last night...while I was sleeping *half-conscious* I scratched the burnt area...and auchhh....the feeling was horrible! Just imagine...the blister was scratched open and the burnt area was bare....
It felt painful...especially when that area touched my cloth. So I applied some Gamat Jelly as I know this jelly has all the beneficial agents that can help in the healing process of any wounds.
I am still taking this Gamat Jelly from Luxor as my supplement beside the Omega capsules.
I hope I will have a speedy healing process....just wait and see....I will soon share the result.
The blister was not that big so I only applied some Drapolene cream...thinking that it wasn't severe. But last night...while I was sleeping *half-conscious* I scratched the burnt area...and auchhh....the feeling was horrible! Just imagine...the blister was scratched open and the burnt area was bare....
Auchhhhhhhhh Ros.... mesti pedih.... belum mandi lagi...aduh... hope it recover soon...
take care..:D
CathJ ~ yes dear...tersangatlah pedihnye... tnx :)
Salam.. Alahai siannya akak kena seterika.. Sure pedih bila kena air.. Sorry sebab buat akak terliur tengok pic durian tu.. Pagi tadi ada kwn buatkan serawa durian.. syok dapat makan.. Roti jala tu Nur beli la.. (macam tau2 je.. ) Buat tak pandai.. hehe :)
It also happened to me coz I was careless! Hope your burn will heal real soon.
Aduh..kesian u...hati2 kerjanya yer..semoga tangan u cepat kering lukanya...
Ouch...must be painful. Speedy recovery and be more careful next time ok.
I can feel the pain....:-(
I accidently burnt my finger too while I was cooking, ouch!
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