Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Lamap Inquiry-Based Science EducationTraining

On the 7th November - 12th November 2011, I attended the ISBE Training held at Pusat Tingkatan Enam Meragang. Despite the long journey to the center where the training was held, I gained a lot of new knowledge and of course the joyous feeling when meeting friends (^,^).

Some random pictures during the ISBE training sessions:

We were trained by these special lecturers from France.

Exeprimental activity ~ The amount of salt in water samples.

The stomata of leaves

Demonstrating the formation of solar and lunar eclipses.

We were trained to become the ISBE trainers for the Bruneian Science teachers at the national level next year. We felt the job that was delegated to us was very heavy but with the collaborative teamwork spirit among us....I am sure that everything will run smoothly...Insya Allah.


Nur-nba said...

Seronoknya dapat tambah ilmu..

CathJ said...

Looks fun pula jadi cikgu science ni..hihihi..