Frankly, my hubby and I are still not putting our trust on our maid to look after both of the kids on her own at home while we are working. Thus we are thankful to my mom for her efforts. When she has an appointment with her doctor I have to bring Habibati to my school. I'm thankful to our headmaster for his understanding. So our maid stays with Habibi at home...easy for her to manage only a kid..than two. But my motherly instinct lingered in every split second..thinking what Habibi was up to.....? ...and my hands will be magnetized to my handphone...asking @_~ My mind wouldn't be in its 'peace mode' until my mom called me up telling me that she was at home already....
Sometimes...I ask myself...why wouldn't I just trust my maid...?
Now I'm sharing about Habibati's moments at my school....I was assigned to relieve the Year 2 pupils.... seemed everyone was listening to you Teacher Habibati.... :P
A teacher-to-be.......?
dah besar habibati ye... so cute... wanna be a teacher, like ummi?.. InsyaAllah..
Your daughter semakin lama semakin Chantekkkkk la..... aduhhh....
Best lah dapat bawa anak ke sekolah... hehehehhe...
Ow..about the trust on maid.. ye lah... we as a mother memang susahhhh nak percaya kat org.. kadang2 I let my mother in law jaga sekejap pun hati I berdebar2... tau lah anak I tu suka buli nenek dia... and nenek dia tu akur je ngan c kecik tu.. sigh...
Tapi kalau my mom I tak risau langsung... sebab kalau budak ni nakal mesti di marahi (Mcm kitaorang time kecik2 dulu) so.. I lebih rela mcm tu hehehehhe...
But kalau ngan maid... I THINK I also was-was... sebab tu tak ambik maid until skrg... Tapi tak semua maid mcm tu... tapi tu la..was2 je kan.. ^_^
UmmiAfifah ~ She likes to act like a teacher when I bring her to school. Hehee....mayb jugak one day she will become one :)
CathJ ~ Thanks..mcm your boy jugak...semakin hari semakin cute. I bring her to school not too often lah CathJ..nanti kena denda pulak I oleh GB kita hehehe :P
Yealah about maids's a domestic issue in deed. Tapi I salute mommies yg tak perlu maids nowadays...
Regardless of what profession, Habibati is going to be successful one day. She is not shy at all..standing in front of all the students.
Ah...she is indeed very pretty. Don't bring her to school too often..haha.
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