This occasion took place on the 27th November, Saturday at our kids' school. The kids were very much excited to perform....however....Habibi wasn't feeling well on that day thus he was withdrawn from the show. Ayah couldn't come with me because he had something unavoidable going on.
As I reached their school...I looked up for Habibi and the teacher guided me to their waiting room where most of them were 'quarantined'. I found that Habibi's body was very warm, he only sat by my side to watch the the others performing on the stage. I was so anxious plus excited to watch Habibati.... (^_^)....I pity our boy too....*hugs*
When Habibati's performance was done...I had to bring back the kids home as Habibi's body temperature was getting higher. Actually Habibati would have to go on stage again to receive her academic prize.
Habibati so cute dancing... and kesian Habibi... heran kan.. kalau nak concert je.. mesti anak akan sakit... my boy.. that night demam sikit... pagi bangun pun hidung berdarah... sigh...
Cathj ~ tnx..yes betul tu...soon after Habibi...Habibati lagi feverish...and now both of them are having slight flu and cough. Nasib dah cuti....
wow..cute nya semua dancing at concert especially ur habibati ur son walaupun demam, tapi mukanya masih year will be more fun..
Liz ~ tnx..Habibati bagi 'all-out' on that day..hehehe...but she was quite unhappy when Ayah could not come..
Poor boy, he was so unwell on the day.
Habibati got her academic prize? Well done girl!
I guess she was anxious of the perf, thats why she pulled up her shirt a lil. But she still enjoyed herself.
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