The scenes at the BIA when we sent my brother off to Jakarta for training.
Hubby is with the little angel in the family....Baby Sarra Soffiya (my niece). Habibati and Habibi just could not help teasing her...

Habibati and Sarra....
My dad..
My mom and sis...
My bro and Habibati..
Sarra and me...

My sis and her hubby...
Soto...very spicy but delicious...
The nasi lemak....also very tasty....
Habibi loves the 'tumpi' with the beef curry...
Habibati loves the Soto until she did this!! *mcm iklan maggie mee* LOL
After he got into the departure hall, we went to the Seri Balai Restaurant for our brunch together.
It was very nice to enjoy the brunch together....(^_^).....
That's your dad ?, he looks cool to me,and healthy too...........
Eugene ~ yes..tnx...he is my super cool dad. He is now 64 yrs old and he does look younger than his age.
Soto looks yummy..
Glad that your both kids can eat spicy food.
The picture Habibati and Sarra so cute,she really loves baby hor!!
Say Bon Voyage to your brother....nyaman jua ah makan with hubby..jealous I..anyway happy holiday
I love the pic of habibati and sarra!
Hi Ummi, nice pics, I enjoyed looking the dishes you all had.
Thats a realy cute baby you have.
And good looking his moustache, ha ha.
Have a nice day.
baby sooo cute lah... buat org terhingin anak pompuan.. hihihi..
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