Ever since Habibati is schooling....she knows what candies are. I know most kids always love sweet foodies but for the sake of Habibati's general health, I struggle to lessen the sugar in-take. So far..her dental health is ok. Our boy, Habibi, does not like candies at all but he loves munching the junkies or snacks like Corntoz. Thus I have to make sure that they drink a lot of plain water everyday and they do...(^^,)...
So, dear parents out there...please monitor your kids when they are having candies inside their mouth. Keep well and may we and our family be blessed with the continuous protection of the God....amin....
I am so worried about this.. not only candies.. fruits like grapes.. rambutan.. buah mata kucing.. ee... I have nightmares if my boy having them..
betul tu ummi, saya gigitkan kasi pecah baru kasi mereka...sometimes i pon tertelan hokehh ;)
CathJ ~ yea betul...pernah terjadi kisah kat Brunei ..a boy was choked by a rambutan..and another one choked by a thai longan. Both of them passed away. So sad.. :(
Bitt ~ I do too...but most of the time she got angry because the candies are broken..hahaha...demi keselamatan kan..
I never let Ryan eat sweets and titbits as he has a big tonsils....and always make sure he drinks plenty of water.
MeRy ~ that's good dear...I hope I can stop Habibati from taking sweet candies..
Kalau makan mentos kena hati2.. teksturnya mudah buat budak tercekik.. Dan jangan bagi dia minum air Coke selepas makan mentos ni..bahaya..
betui tu ..precaution come 1st
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