"What??? locally grown??"
"Really?.....in your garden??"
"Yes, please....I would love to see them and eat them JahTin...please and thank you"
Dumbfounded in amazement. Yea...this is all about the locally grown MULBERRIES. I love strawberries. I have tasted the fresh blueberries but the imported ones. I have eaten raspberries but the frozen ones. But....not these...
.....the locally grown mulberries. My friend Hjh Tini spare some of her ripe mulberries for me. She knows I love berries...*thanks a lot dear* . I just couldn't believe such plants can be grown here well. Her husband is a greenfinger type of person thus this plant can bear lots of fruits. I asked her if I could buy the baby mulberry plant from her so that I can grow it in my garden. According to her this plant can grow through stem-cutting. I will just have to be patient and wait for her call to collect the growing stem. If I go to her house, I will take some pictures of the mulberry plants...and of course share the pictures with you... (';')
The taste --> Very sweet...