Sunday, October 3, 2010

The "house" for the kids...

Ayah granted the kids' wish for a tent. But this time, the tent is the one used in a real camping..hoping that it will last longer ~,~ We have to place the tent in the play area cum tv room. The tent can accommodate the four of us..but in a squeezed situation like the canned sardines! ^_^ It is just enough for our kids...

We could clearly see their sense of belonging since the very first day of the tent being fixed. They put inside almost everything they have...such as...their pillows, comforters, barney, dora, horse, guns and even the dressing table! I should have taken some looked funny but Ayah was afraid that the tent will be torn or spoilt that fast. But after I got mad...they now only place their pillows inside....phew!

This is Habibi sleeping cozily inside after bottle-feeding and watching cartoons....
He changed his position...and still looked comfortable!


Z.u.r.a and I.w.a.n said...

wahhh...ada khemah...seronok dier...

UmmiRosma said...

Zura ~ Habibi likes it very much and makes the best use of it now..ehehe